The Palestinian Company for Marketing Sweets PCMS was established in 1999 to cope with the development and modernization in the Palestinian area with regards to direct importation and distribution to most main points of sales in the Palestinian area.
The Palestinian company is the sole importer and distributor of many international confictionary suppliers from europe such as Loacker which is the leader of the wafer industry, Storck which produces premium chocolate in addition to Perfetti Mentos which are famous for their candies and chewing gum, plus many other brands.
After direct import, the company covers the local market directly, whether through sales representatives Directly to most points of sale or indirectly, through wholesalers specialized in this field.
Over the past twenty two years, the company has achieved a lot of success in terms of increasing it's annual turn-over and sales revenue, this success has continued in the marketing field thanks to the appealing shelf displays the company installs for these products in major points of sale accross the country.
Finally, the company has made its prdoucts familiar to the consumers through billboards and other mainstream media marketing in addition to maintaining a relationship with the consumer through various ways of digital marketing and social media.